The Girl Who Leaves


I move on too easily, I put the phone down too fast, ignored the texts, reject the calls and move on so simply.

I became the girl who could care less the hearts she left behind. I became the girl who doesn’t give a second thought to others feelings, rejecting them and leaving them.

I wasn’t always that kind of girl.

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Miss Independent

I’ve spent most of the time entirely alone. It had not been like that. I guess what I’ve realized is that it takes a lot of effort to be with someone or in a group. People have their well-established friendship circles and support networks, and it’s not easy to become part of it all. And I think I’m not as social and outgoing as I can be, as I was once. It’s like I’ve fallen out of practice. And so my ability to strike up conversation and engage with others is rusty.

But it’s okay. Im used to be attending things by myself.

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